How To Protect Your Mental Energy And Mindset So YOU Can Function 100%

December 22, 20234 min read

How do you protect your mindset and mental energy?  

Leaders, entrepreneurs, and business owners that serve people have high demanding jobs. Mental energy is extremely important so you can do that job well. YOUR mindset is the most powerful asset you have and that must function at optimal levels. That is how you serve others well.

Serving others brings on a list of demands that sometimes impacts us personally.  Leaders, influencers and entrepreneurs must paddle 10X harder to protect their mental energy.  

Leaders protect your mental energy

Why?  When we influence other people everything we do can make or break them.  OUCH right?  If your mental energy is not protected it could also lead to negative stress which could lead to excessive drinking, negative behavior, relationship problems, frustration, anger, and/or productivity imbalance.  

We are watched, judged, and put on a pedestal that sometimes is hard to understand.   Does that mean we need to be perfect?  NO!  Not even in the least but we do need to do what we teach.  We need to remember people will watch us even when we don't want them to and when we lead not all parts of our life should be public.  

Oftentimes Leaders say “I am an open book”  That is a ton of pressure that is not needed.  You do not need to be an open book.  I am not saying that you should hide but what I am saying is because we live in a world full of chaos and hurt people YOU have to be careful.  Not for the sake of people but for the sake of your mindset and mental energy.  For the sake of your family and for the sake of you sleeping at night.   

Let's talk about how to maintain and protect your mindset and mental energy.

I am going to give you my run down, but do not compare your list with mine. Your life looks much different. This is about what works for you. Your mindset and mental energy does not come from a self-help book or ignoring your emotions. It comes with self-awareness, working through the deep stuff, decluttering you, developing you, and being the Rockstar you were created to be. Stepping into it 100%.  

Here are some things that provide mental Energy for me: 

  • I read my daily devotions, attend church, and do other things that FUEL me.  I need to be filled up. If I am not getting my fuel I can’t fuel others the right way. 

  • Fitting my husband in my schedule. Yes, I have to be a crazy person and get up a little early. I have to get time in with him because together we are strong. My second love language is quality time and I value that time with him. 

  • I have a shortlist of “No matter what’s.” These are things that must get done daily before I rest my head on my pillow at night.

  • I read great books that put me into action. I do not just keep reading to read. I put books down and apply what I am learning daily. 

  • I reach out to people who fuel me, not those that drag me down. 

  • I get my workout in even when I don’t want to.

  • I continually work on saying “No.”  so I can say YES to what matters. 

  • I listen to my body, brain, and emotions. I know when I need to make an adjustment and I make the adjustment.  

  • I have coaches in my life who continue to help me align.  

John Wooden said it best: “Make every day a masterpiece.” Making every day a masterpiece starts with you protecting your mental energy.  When you strive to make your day a masterpiece you can truly help others do the same.  

Ps. If you are a leader struggling with negative stress or can not get your mental energy or mindset balanced reach out to me for  guidance/coaching. I don't want you to lose who you are!  

Schedule a 15 minute call-

Coach YOURSELF with these questions:

Here are a few questions that will help you take action. Please reach out to me personally for any and all of your needs. [email protected]

Keep growing as a leader the world needs the rockstar in YOU!

  • Is my mental energy at risk?  

  • What do I need in my life?

  • What is my Mental energy list of must do's?

I would love to hear your thoughts! 

Coach Leisa!

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Leisa Jenkins

Wife, Mom, #1 Best Selling Author, Life & Leadership Coach, Rockstar!

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