Who is Leisa Jenkins?

I am a real person, just like you, with many ups and downs. I learn every day from my mistakes and wake up to a fresh start. Like many, I had a rough childhood. My story began at birth, marked by one traumatic event after another. When I was a little girl, I remember thinking I would never share my childhood experiences with anyone, yet these experiences are exactly what shaped my life.

Years ago, I promised myself that nothing I experienced would ever be wasted. That promise still stands today. Who am I? I am a living example of what is possible for anyone. We all have a story. Mine is not more painful than yours, and yours is not more painful than mine. It's how we use it that matters most.

You can achieve anything you desire in this world, regardless of your past, and I am here to prove it to you. Through one-on-one coaching and training, I will help you shift your narrative. I will teach you how to stand up and fight for your life and for what you desire.

On this page, I've shared just a brief overview of who I am. But there is so much more to me, and to YOU too! I PROMISE!

Check it out, and if you're interested in hearing more from me, click the button below to sign up for my weekly newsletters.

It's awesome to meet you! I am glad you landed here!

Leisa Jenkins

Meet my family!

I am truly blessed by an amazing family.  I know many people say that and I often wonder if they mean it.  I DO!  I have been married for 25 years. Our marriage comes first.  We allow each other to be who we were created to be, just as we are.  That is the key to a successful marriage and family. Do my kids fight? YEP!  And I cherish those moments.  We teach and guide.  That's why they were given to us.  YES, I am a super mom and I love it! We eat dinner every night as a family and spend most weekends together. We have the "cool house" so there are always extra kids here.  When I am not working, I am with my family and taking care of me!  We have a urban homestead with lots of gardens and so much more! This is one of my favorite family breakfast outings.

My daughter was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome

After 16 years of searching for answers and visiting many doctors, my daughter was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome. Our family reached a new level of peace after a year of studying Turner Syndrome and preparing for her future. Through this experience, we learned to advocate for ourselves. We realized the importance of approaching the medical field with eyes wide open. Many doctors were amazing, but some just wouldn't listen. It took 16 years to find the answer to WHY our little girl was experiencing so many hurdles.

This video is one I recorded right before her surgery, shortly after her diagnosis. It is a tearjerker. Make sure you have tissues ready.

My Career

I am a mother of four and have been happily married since 1999 to the same amazing man! My Christian faith is woven throughout my personal, family, and professional life, helping me to guide and inspire my clients, friends, and family to a life of fulfillment based on compassion, honesty and respect.

I have mentored and coached chiropractic students, doctors, pastors, community leaders, actors, families, children, teachers, speakers and coaches to serve others with a full heart and insightful intellect.

I have been a radio show host on Channel 1380 The Woman and Channel 590 The Man. My podcast with Family in Balance is still popular today. I remain a regular contributor to many blog sites and magazines.

After becoming certified with Kathy Peel, Excalibur Coaching, Focus and many other training programs I founded Family in Balance helping people organize their homes and lives. From simple projects to hoarders. I begin coaching individuals through deep hurts, stories and challenges becoming known as the "coach that gets real results".

I believe that people want change but are often overwhelmed with the" HOW" as well as opinions, suggestions and their own brain playing tricks on them. All the wisdom and knowledge in the world means nothing if your brain is not aligning with the actions that need to happen.

I am known for my passion, energy and compassion for others. I believe in the beauty and potential of every single person.

How Can I Help YOU?

Empowering Real Life Changes: From Life Coach to Coaches Coach & Trainer

I'm not just a life coach; I'm also a coach's coach and trainer, committed to delivering genuine and long-lasting results. With a practical, action-oriented philosophy, I cut through the noise to achieve real outcomes.

Together, we'll conquer yesterday's obstacles, opening the door to a new tomorrow. My mission to "Change the world one person at a time" extends to every community. To achieve this, I train exceptional coaches, recognizing that building an empire of change requires teamwork.

Under my guidance, you'll gain expertise in conflict resolution, corporate coaching, personal development, relationship coaching, communication strategy, and stress management, whether working individually or in groups.

I am constantly evolving, offering one-on-one coaching, courses, events, workshops, and resources. We thrive through collaboration with trusted leaders, ensuring you receive the excellence you deserve.

More about my story and my why

I grew up facing challenges, pain, abuse, and more stress than I can comprehend some days. I understand pain, sadness, and sacrifice intimately. I know firsthand what it takes to overcome the storms life throws at us. I have learned to use my experiences to change the world. I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead others while growing a business, raising a family, and battling obstacles along the way. My powerful "WHY" is coaching and teaching people how to overcome life's storms, as I have, so they can fully embrace life. This "WHY" strengthens every day as I set out to prove that your story happened for a reason. I spread hope, energy, and encouragement wherever I go, without judgment.

Along with my team, I will walk beside you one day at a time as you embark on this life-changing journey. My WHY is rooted in empathy for you and your experiences. It comes from a place of helping others reach their destinations without reservation. Life is short, as you know, and it's time to embrace your "why" and move forward right now.

I made the conscious decision to surround myself with mentors, coaches, and others who share the same desire to serve people. I eventually discovered my passion in coaching others on how to live life to its fullest, just as I learned to move though the negative and embrace the blessing of life.

As a coach, I will guide you in aligning with who you truly are. You will learn to understand your personality, emotions, and interactions with others. My coaching team and I will empower you to bring your life into balance and achieve extraordinary results.

My Career Accomplishments 

I finally found my jam in High School during my Junior Year, and I took off from there with 21 years of struggles and failures.  

I joined a marketing program in my junior year and was part of a work-study program at that time. The marketing class and my teacher helped me discover myself. While in school, I tried a few jobs, like Burger King, which I hated. So, I landed a job with my mom at a podiatrist's office and worked there for 10 years. While I did it to have money in the bank, my entrepreneurial spirit was always alive. In my last year of high school, I became president of the marketing club, met the man I'm married to today, got pregnant, bought a house, got married, and graduated—all in the same year! That was a success in my book. Even while having kids and working, I always juggled 10 things at once.

Over the next 20 years, I held many different jobs and roles: I was a trustee of our subdivision, president of a 4x4 drive club, vice president of FFIC, a planning and zoning commissioner, built a direct sales business with Homemade Gourmet with a large team, and developed a business, offering family financial plans. From there, I became a children's director at my church, helping to run and build the church. I've run networking groups, masterminds, and events, had business partnerships, volunteered for numerous organizations, and have been involved in radio and podcasts. I was a professional organizer, family manager, and coach.

I share this because I want you to know that my biggest success has been growing my family amidst all of this. My faith in God has guided me through each day, alongside the incredible people he has brought into my life. These people have impacted me on many levels, being part of my life through the ups and downs. I am grateful for each of YOU! Without all the people who believed in me, I wouldn't be where I am today. Many years had been filled with financial stress, chaos, lots of tears, and many restless nights, but I would do it all over again. I am a very successful and established woman who is just getting started!

I have been exclusively impacting lives through what God has called me to do!

Deep Dive About ME

These assessments & graphs are part of what I deliver to people part of my coaching and various programs.

My DISC Profile

My Strengths

One gift that sets me apart from other coaches is my ability to see clarity in conflict and chaos. Where counselors and psychologists may fail, I have the analytical insight to provide real solutions for real-life success. I believe that with faith, belief and action anything is possible.

My top 5 Strengths

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Adaptability

  • Belief

  • Activator

  • Significance

My Tendency

  • Obliger

My Love Languages

  • Acts of Service

  • Quality Time

Who am I?

I was created to be amazing. Life happens and sometimes takes away from us. It's crucial to see yourself exactly as you are. I've achieved this and share it with passion to help you get there too. Moms, dads, leaders, coaches—all people need to have a great vision of the person in the mirror, and I want to help you realize that vision. Click the button below and let's chat!

I am a Unique, Passionate, Sassy, Energetic, Driven Woman!

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