Real Stories, Real People, Real Results.

Check out the stories below from many individuals, including families, married couples, teens,

entrepreneurs, pastors, doctors, business owners, teachers and community leaders just like you whose lives are changed forever.

Check out the stories below from many individuals, including families, married couples, teens, entrepreneurs, pastors, doctors, business owners, teachers and community leaders just like you whose lives are changed forever.

All I can say is working with Leisa Jenkins was TRULY life changing!

She helped us heal our strained relationship with our son Charlie. I reached out a few years ago because I was tired! Tired of the worry, stress, fighting and endless communication gaps between Charlie, husband Jeff and me. Leisa helped me and my husband (Charlie’s bonus dad) to better understand him AND helped Charlie better understand us. We have a better set of practical, sensible tools now to use when we have issues and need to communicate. The Scriptures tell us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Leisa’s coaching guided us back to this reality and to appreciate each other for our differences which we celebrate now instead of just tolerate. Charlie is now an independent young man living on his own and we cheer him on every step of the way! Thank you, Leisa!

Meredith A McVehil

Empowering Families, Professionals, and Communities with Actionable Solutions for Real Results


I was introduced to Leisa by another satisfied client, who has become the love of my life. I endured significant emotional, sexual, and physical trauma during my childhood, and have spent most of my life trying to cope. Leisa’s personal experiences and her training allowed her to relate to me in a way that numerous other counselors over 30 years were unable to do. Her insights and coaching helped me more in mere months than in years of prior therapy. I still struggle, and Leisa is still helping me. I thank God for her tenacity and strength.

Karen K

Working with Leisa has improved my life considerably both personally and professionally. I was skeptical about working with a coach in general as I had never worked with one, but what I learned is a good life coach is the best of both worlds. You get the benefit of personal guidance and growth along with professional help, it’s like having a therapist and business coach in one! Leisa takes a wholistic approach to helping you improve your mind, body, and overall, well-being. It’s about finding the real you and improving upon yourself every day. Thanks Leisa!

Jack Baumann Founder + CEO

Listen to Leah's inspiring story

Leah is a coach trained by me exclusively.

Reach out to her at

Working with Leisa has been life changing! I have been struggling to find direction and clarity with relationships, finances, work and working with Leisa has provided the groundwork needed to create real change in my life. It’s been an emotional journey and one that I am grateful to have had Leisa as my coach!

Anthony Gaal

We hired Leisa Jenkins to help us work through some very serious family and relationship issues. It

is difficult to put into words the tremendous impact for good that Leisa has had on our lives. We joke that she was an angel sent from heaven just when we needed one the most!

Leisa has the uncanny ability to identify the core, the root of an issue almost immediately. She then offers a solution. It may be hard work to put that solution into play, but it is the only way to make the change that is so desperately needed. She has never once steered us in the wrong direction, but the right direction.

Leisa Jenkins is a problem solver. This is her gift. She sees the problem, names it, then explains how to tackle it in a practical, common sense, respectful and loving way. If you are not interested in actually changing, then forget it because she is all about getting you out of the rut in which you are stuck in. You will move on to a healthy, whole, success filled and happier place in life. Whatever the challenge I believe Leisa Jenkins can figure it out!

Dan & Betsy K

We love Leisa

In just two visits with Leisa, my life was changed

Marek K, Real Estate Agent, and Entrepreneur

When I met Leisa, there was no hesitation. I needed to change my thoughts which were keeping me in a depressed and lonely state. I was my own worst enemy and stuck in believing false statements that I was letting govern my life.

My challenge was letting go and moving on to who I really wanted to be. Loving myself was the challenge and believing that I could be happy without my current relationship. Having the courage to trust God and let him guide my life. My biggest wins came from working with Leisa. I quit smoking!!! Started a new life in Florida and opened Pearle Vision franchises!!!

Leisa was the guiding force that gave me the guidance and courage to live life to the fullest. Leisa is the best Life Coach anyone could bring into their life. She helped me become a Rockstar!!!"

Suzy E, Owner, and operator of 2 Pearl Visions

Hesitant in hiring a Coach!

My biggest hesitation in hiring Leisa is that I'd never worked with a therapist or coach before, and I had a lot of preconceived notions that kept me from taking that step. After just one meeting, Leisa was able to dispel all those notions and I became comfortable in working with her to resolve some issues in my head right away.

My biggest win was Leisa saying, "It's as plain as the nose on your face", which has no impact unless you're willing to look in the mirror. Leisa was able to help me do that and begin to understand the chaos in my life. I heard many times about, "working on your issues", but when you're not entirely sure what that even means let alone what the issues are or what to do about them, you're directionless. Leisa provided me with direction and understanding. I wouldn't say all my issues were resolved, but I understood better what they were and how to begin addressing them for a healthier more joyful life.

If you are looking into hiring Leisa start the process with an open mind. You may find that what you thought you wanted isn't really what is going to make you happy. Be open to the journey and consider Leisa the wise friend that knows how to keep things confidential.

Dan H

Facebook post from people who have invested in courses.

Rockstar Coaches Stories

Working with Leisa has been an absolute amazing journey. I joined her coaching program to learn how to be a coach, it was an amazing resource. I still use various foundations and principles learned in the program to help the people I coach. If you are looking for action-packed results working with Leisa is the way to go and grow. I have also had the pleasure of continuing to work alongside her. It is our absolute passion to serve the people we connect with.

Brryan Jackson, Inspirational Speaker and Life Coach

Leisa Jenkins is one of the few people I can truly say has changed my life. She has helped me on my journey to believe I am a 10, a true rockstar created to live a life full out. Through her coaching, I have gained clarity on what I want to do with my life and she’s helped me go from being stuck in life to taking crucial steps towards my dreams. Her honesty, vulnerability and belief will guide you in believing in yourself and becoming the rockstar you were already created to be.

Heather Bunch, Coach, Speaker

She needed a confidence boost so she could manage her life the way she KNEW she could. 

Leisa came into my life at the exact right moment. As a young mom trying to grow a business, I was looking for someone who could help me overcome my limiting beliefs and manage what Leisa calls the Circle of Crazy.  Is my life still crazy? Yes! 

But I am better equipped to handle the crazy. I understand my emotions and motivations better and I am learning to manage my life and business instead of having life managing me. You will not be disappointed with this program. She is wise beyond her years, caring, compassionate and sincere.

Spencer A.

Real Estate Agent 

We reached out to Leisa needing guidance on how to launch our business and ministry. We had specifically prayed and asked God for a way to execute the vision He had given us. Remembering that Leisa is a Christian entrepreneur, we reached out to her. She was able to head us in the exact direction that God wanted us to go in. Within a few weeks, we were able to put things in the right perspective and start putting everything together with a solid plan. We were absolutely blown away with how Leisa allowed God to use her, and the way that she operates in her gifts. We are so thankful that God led us to her. God has truly used Leisa to answer our prayers by showing us how to execute the vision we had for our ministry and business!

Shavar & Cynthia Ingram
Faith Chapter Ministries

Meet Rob

After more than a decade in therapy with an excellent psychologist. I still felt as though I had no control over my own life. Frustration, anger, and the bitter weight of “my yesterdays” continued to drag me down as they had for nearly half my life. I can honestly say that, after only a few months of working with Leisa, I feel a sense of self-determination and the ability to enjoy life returning in a way that I haven’t felt in longer than I can remember and really never expected to feel again. I am profoundly grateful to her and could not recommend her any more highly.

Rob, Small Business Owner

One Session is all she needed to Take action

I just had one visit with Leisa and I was reminded of who I am and what is important to me. I have a tool to use every day to bring me back to my center and get present for what I am committed to and the difference I make in people's lives. I highly recommend that you book a session with Leisa to powerfully address your past so you can take charge of your future!


   Lindsay Walden 

Licensed professional counselor, a certified sex therapist, relationship coach,media personality.

I found Leisa a couple of years ago when I was looking for help as I was wanting to start offering coaching services in addition to my therapy practice. I am so very grateful our paths crossed. Her realness and vulnerability mixed with her practical application skills of ways to help people get unstuck and live their best life has completely shifted the way that I work with all my clients. She has helped me take major action towards my goals and to push through my own blocks so I can more fearlessly help others!
If you’re looking to transform your life, to overhaul your business, or to just start living life more fearlessly, the fearless fighter system is for you. 

Play to WIN Every day and actually WIN!

Before working with Leisa, our family was probably quite normal. Disagreements, frustration and much too busy to sit down and talk through life. It only led to more frustration and hurt feelings anyway. After sitting around the dinner table one night and no one was talking I knew something had to change. Once our family started coaching with Leisa we saw immediate results. There was certainly more conversation, and the quality of the conversation was so rich. Through our regular coaching sessions, we learned about ourselves and about each other, how to honor and respect each other based on our individual differences. We began to embrace our differences and to function as a family unit. Our transformation was amazing in just a few months. Leisa is committed to creating an environment where transformation happens, and relationships thrive. If you and your family are ready for positive change in yourself, family or business, Leisa will get you taking action steps and hold you accountable so that your dreams are worthwhile and achievable!

Rachel M

Leisa is an amazing personal and business coach. Personally, she worked with me weekly for about 6 months and helped me work through some deep seeded issues that I. Was familiar with, but unsure how to work through. I learned how to address things that would trigger my crazy cycle and learned how to remain calm. We met last week to refresh my memory and helped me to understand why my husband and I are so different. Leisa shared a graphic the clearly showed why when we're both opposite spectrum why is so stressful, but the tools she equipped me with had truly helped our marriage in BIG ways. Understanding how and why he's different from me, gives me the power to not overreact and be a more understanding and supportive wife. I'm also a much calmer mother. Leisa has supported my business by helping me through understanding what my businesses and everyone else. Know that has made me feel so amazing!! Knowing my personal I AM statement and business laws has given me such an energy surge. A personal vision has become so clear and now. I know exactly what needs to be done to achieve my family's God sized dream. Leisa is always there when I need her, supports, loves and tough loves me every day. She's amazing and I'm thankful for her gift!!

Wendy S

I really enjoyed my time working with Leisa as my coach. I was hesitant to hire Leisa because I didn't know if I wanted to spend the money on a coach. But after meeting with her for 40 minutes, she was already giving me insights about me and my relationships with me giving her very little information. After that meeting, I knew she could help me. My biggest challenge was self-reflection with my habitual thoughts and figuring out when they started and where they came from. Leisa helped me dig into my past and uncover thoughts and issues that I've been holding on to for years.

For anyone thinking about hiring Leisa, if you know your thoughts control your actions and you want to find out why you think the way you do so you can have different actions and results in your life, I believe that Leisa can help you with that.

Michael C

One Session was all she needed to THRIVE!

There was a statement in the invitational email that referenced that it may be helpful to talk things over with Leisa if you were making important decisions in your life. I thought to myself, well…I’m planning on retiring in 2 years and 3 months and I believe that qualifies as an important decision. So I made an appointment right away.

II was only there about 3 minutes and had uttered maybe 5 sentences and she already had me figured out. Among other things, She said, “So, you have a goal to retire in 2 years and 3 months and basically you have no plan on how to get there.” So true! She advised me to take advantage of another free hour , this time with a financial advisor of which I'm going to do. She helped me gain insight into myself. I felt more confident when I left and had the courage to speak to one of my supervisors about an issue regarding my employment that had been concerning me for several weeks. I spoke to him confidently and honestly and the issue is resolved.

I I also have a more clear picture of things I should and should not be doing at this time in my life as I get closer to retirement. It was like a light went off in my head when she told me that right now I don’t need to be doing things that aren’t helping me reach my financial goals that would allow me to retire in the not-so-distant future.

She told me God created me to feel like a 10 and asked me what number I actually felt like. I admitted it was a 4. She told me about the ‘Circle of Crazy’ and how various people and events have impacted my life. Then, after spending just one hour with her I felt better inside myself, it has been quite some time since I felt this way. Instead of letting the next 2 years and 3 months pass by and until I can get out of going to work every day I realize I can be an active participant in my life. I guess that is one of the biggest realizations I received from meeting with Leisa. I can be an active participant in my own life!!

That ‘free’ hour turned out to be worth millions!

Verna F

I have enjoyed working with Leisa Jenkins over the last year. I have learned so much about myself, spouse, and even co-workers. The way she breaks it down for me and helps me see whatever it is we are discussing from the other side has been a great help. She shares other theories, gives me the reasoning of why people, including myself, do what they do and gets me out of my own head so I can make better decisions. Knowing all of that information makes life a lot clearer. My head chatter is gone and my actions are more on target with what my goals are. Most importantly all of my relationships (family, friends, coworkers and the one with myself) are better for having her in my life. She is a straight shooter that you can confide in and trust.

Dianne M Collins

Leisa has worked with my daughter for just a couple of months and i'm so impressed with Leisa’s ability to break through the defensive walls and get deep into the thoughts that are affecting her perceptions. We have spent thousands on traditional therapy with no real lasting change coming from those years of expensive talking. Leisa challenges thoughts and perceptions (my daughter's filter, if you will) to develop the truth of who she is. From the first session, Leisa was able to see to the core of the issues. The process is respectful but intense. I highly recommend Leisa!

Jeanne H

Coaching with Leisa helped me discover the patterns of why I do or think certain things that are ultimately limiting me to stay where I am and not conquer my dreams. Leisa helped me to dig and bring awareness to the little (a few were big) nuances that kept me from first recognizing the life of my dreams and then living the life of my dreams. Her unique way of bridging Life, business and coaching has caused me to realize I’ve lived my life in 3 stages: I was who I was, I just wasn’t aware of it(couldn’t define it, I was me), life happened, career, marriage, motherhood and I suddenly didn't feel like” me” and I was painfully aware of this. The third beautiful stage that I thrive in now after life coaching and the benefit of self-discovery is: I know who I am, what I stand for and can recognize who and what will support me on my journey to living the life of my dreams! I think ANYONE and EVERYONE would benefit from life coaching!

Dr. Amy Horn

When I met Leisa, my emotional life was a out of control. She gave me the proper tools to help me get in control of my life again. I have been using her strategies for over three years now! Since then, I have been able to keep my composure during stressful times, grow richer in happiness, and help others at a higher level. Leisa is an amazing coach that will meet you on your level and help you move forward in your life! She is for real! Thank you, Leisa, for helping me break old patterns, dump the baggage and create a new life story!!!

Dr. Nick Hagen