7 Fast Action Strategies To  Adjust Your Energy When Life Hits Hard. 

7 Fast Action Strategies To  Adjust Your Energy When Life Hits Hard. 

Your energy can shift fast. Check out these 7 fast action strategies that will help you align and keep your energy in check. ...more


January 04, 20243 min read

7 Ways To Have An Impactful Opinion So You Can Make A Real Impact In The Lives Of Others

7 Ways To Have An Impactful Opinion So You Can Make A Real Impact In The Lives Of Others

I get frustrated with leaders and their opinions. As leaders we are called to focus on an approach that will truly help people. Today, I want you to consider a more tactful approach. Here are 7 ways... ...more


January 01, 20245 min read

How To Protect Your Mental Energy And Mindset So YOU Can Function 100%

How To Protect Your Mental Energy And Mindset So YOU Can Function 100%

Serving others brings on a list of demands that sometimes impacts us personally.  Leaders, influencers and entrepreneurs must paddle 10X harder to protect their mental energy.   Why?  When we influenc... ...more


December 22, 20234 min read

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Hey, Rockstar

Leisa Jenkins here

Your Results Coach and Leadership Guru

Helping You Be Who You Were Created To Be and Together WE WILL Get Rid of ANYTHING Holding YOU back!

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Declutter U

Working through all of your problems requires you to become aware of how your brain works and what has been holding you back. We will get rid of what is not serving you and do a total declutter. Detoxing your brain and connecting your heart with what you need and want.

Discover U

Life takes away from you. It's easy to lose yourself and get caught up in life. Once we declutter your brain you will Discover U, gain clarity, align behaviors, strengths and more... showing you the asset you are to the world, moving you to being who you were created to be. Staying true to your life!

Energize U

Once you Declutter U and discover who you truly are, then you will personally grow in a way that serves you and others. You will become an ENERGIZED leader at home, in your career, in the work place, and more. You will integrate and juggle your life with real solutions for your whole life.

Take Action

YOU will take real action that serves YOU and the people around you. You will learn how to crush goals and play to WIN in all areas of your life, while connecting your head, heart, and body with a science and spiritual-based approach. You will take action in a way that serves you forever.

We are committed to bringing YOU the best Coaching and Leadership tools and resources in all areas of your life.

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